Wednesday, June 17, 2009

NYBG Farmer's Market

The New York Botanical Garden Farmers Market opened today. I ordered the McDonalds double cheeseburger meal by way of celebration. I kid! I kid! I have been marking off my calendar for weeks and was giddy with anticipation this morning packing my camera and a couple of canvas bags while getting ready for work. It's a kinder, gentler Farmers Market this season, with stalls open on Wednesdays AND Saturdays now.

Before I get carried away singing the praises of the Market, can I make one observation that really gets under my skin? I have been an enthusiastic member of the Garden since moving to the Bronx in 2001, but why do they have to waste paper with a printed receipt every time I flash my membership card for a simple stroll through the grounds? I make a point of reminding the staffer at the membership kiosk that the Garden is supposed to be an eco-groovy company, and all that paper waste is upsetting. They always smile and agree. But the thought has never occurred to upper management? Really? It's aggravating.
Red leaf lettuce
BUT! Back to the market. There were only a couple of produce stalls open, but the bread maker was there, along with Joseph Bases of The Little Bakeshop. He brings delicious fresh berry pies and quiche every Wednesday, and I always snag something for lunch at my desk. The custard in his quiche is heavenly; smooth, light and creamy. I'll be taking a stab at one later this month.
White, red & purple beets
Along with sprucing up my diet with fresh produce, another goal for frequenting the Farmers Market this season will be to chronicle the progression of food through the summer and into the autumn months. You'll get tips and recipes for seasonal faire from the garden, and hopefully garner an appreciation of the seasons and where your food actually comes from and when.
Snap peas
See these snap peas? They're gonna end up in a pot pie later this week. Well, not ALL these peas, but some will.
New yellow onions
Asparagus bunches
Young asparagus will be out of season before the end of the month. You can do almost anything with young spears: grill them for a side dish, purée them in a soup, blanche them for a salad, steam them and drown them in butter if you must. Most importantly? Make sure to smell your pee afterwards! I'm not kidding. True foodies will understand and not be grossed out by the prospect.
Spring garlic
New red potatoes
Why do you think potato salad is such a summertime favorite? Just take a look at these beauties and you begin to grasp the concept.
Farmers Markets in the USThere are thousands and thousands of farmers markets across the US. Click the map at left to find a market in your neighborhood. If you live in a rural area, you're even more likely to know of a roadside farm stand. That produce was grown within mere miles of your front door. You know it's fresh. Studies are showing that supplements just can't provide the vitamins and minerals found in fresh produce. What are you waiting for, bad news from your doctor? Skip the fast food value meal and put freshness back in your kitchen.
Thanks for taking the time - Blog O. Food

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