Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday: the New Sunday

Hand-painted Italian tileWhat does one do with all that leftover polenta? Don't even think about opening the microwave door. The only reason to even approach that accursed machine is to pick it up and toss it from a 14-story window. Nope, lay out the polenta on a cutting slab and use a thin wire or filament (I use dental floss!), cut it into 2-inch squares and bake in a 275° oven for 20 minutes. Then take whatever's on hand and make a spread: mushrooms, olives, capers, anchovies, gherkins, whatever.
Sun-dried tomato spread
I had some sun-dried tomatoes, anchovies and some herbs that I chopped and tossed with some olive oil, salt and ground white pepper. It was salty, tangy, fruity, herbally and delicious.
Baked polenta with sun-dried tomato spread
Five minutes before I took the polenta out of the oven, I sprinkled the wedges with some leftover grated parmesan cheese because I was feeling randy. I ate the entire plate in front of the television watching baseball, and then sat rubbing my belling into the 6th inning.
Needs more polenta wedgesI did everything short of licking the plate, including running my finger through the salt and crusty parmesan cheese. It was the third glass of wine that emboldened me. What of the leftover scallops, you say? They never made it beyond lunch.
Buon appetito - Blog O. Food

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